How a university student Earned $6,000 per project while studying

Published by Arthur Whitehead on Apr 17th 2024

I hear this all the time,

"Arthur, I really want to join your course and pursue my dreams, but I have ___ going on right now, and I’m just waiting for ___."

A few years go by, and I hear…

"I’m so close to being ready. Nothing meaningful has happened for a while, but when ____ happens, I’ll be ready to do this!"

Meanwhile, others have already taken their place in this industry and are so far ahead with real-world experience that It’s too hard to compete.

I’ve seen this mindset destroy so many people’s dreams and so I felt the need to highlight it today and show you what can happen if you make a change.

Because where you are in life is because of you, good or bad.

What you think, believe, and actions you take on a daily basis has gotten you where you are and it will keep getting you more of the same.

Unless things change. You know the definition of insanity?
It’s a common feeling of wanting everything to be perfect before you take action.

But we all have busy lives and there’s never a good time to pursue your dreams.

When I decided to pursue mine I was a high school dropout with an old computer and I borrowed my way through mentorship.

There will always be something in life stopping you.. Kids, school, client project, holiday, moving houses..

And if you’re waiting for things to be easy for you to take action, you’ll never be successful.

Here’s how Kacper made a change and how he’s now earning more than more than most people.

Kacper is an architecture student from Poland in his 20s.

He was interested in learning 3D rendering for his architecture work but also needed help finding high-paying clients.

So, he reached out to us to see if we’d be able to help.

I told him that we focus primarily on 3D rendering for products, but our process for attracting clients would work the same for him.
That’s when his hesitation kicked in…

Since Kacper is still in school, he wasn’t sure if he would have time to commit to both his studies and our 3D Accelerator Program.

But Kacper was driven to win in life and didn’t want to wait for things to be easy, for him to have time, for everything to be perfect.
So he bit the bullet and signed up.

In just a few weeks, Kacper landed his first ever client, securing him $1,300.

Good start for someone still in school.

And after a few more weeks this happened..
He landed another client for $6,000!

After joining us Kacper made $7,300 while he is still in school!

This is $7300 that someone else who is still waiting for life to work out for them would have had and just lost.

That’s a long term client that may never be theirs if Kacper keeps them.

If Kacper gave in to his fear of starting, he would still be struggling to find high-paying clients and would have missed out on $7,300…

But he took the time to prioritize his dreams and now has a proven system for finding high-paying clients that will work even after he graduates.

Maybe he can pay off his studies before he finishes?

What have you been dreaming about but procrastinating on?

If you were to take action right now, how would your life change?

What are you waiting for?

And If not now, when?

Because the market doesn’t get easier over time, now might be the best time to go for what you want in life and secure your place.

If you're ready to take that leap of faith check out our free training and schedule a call with us.