John's 3-Week Transformation to Creating Photorealistic 3D Work
Published by Arthur Whitehead on Oct. 2nd 2023
Meet John, he’s had the goal of creating professional, photorealistic 3D renders so he can start freelancing online.

Even though he’d watched a ton of tutorials and tried different courses for a few years.

Even after seeking feedback from public 3D groups and forums..

He just wasn't getting the personalized feedback and attention he needed.

Often receiving conflicting feedback from different people.

Getting pulled in different directions is a very confusing and frustrating process, especially if you’re not progressing as fast as you’d like to.

What he needed was a short, structured and fast process to reaching his goals.

That’s when he signed up with us.

Here's what his worked look like before joining us:
As you can see he struggled with the fundamentals and his work fell flat.

After going through our course that teaches every step you need for professional 3D renders..

And receiving precise advice from me on exactly what he needed to change while installing all our knowledge of creating professional 3D renders..

Within 3 weeks his work turned around and made a massive improvement.

This is what his work look like now:
Now John has the skills to create professional 3D renders, he can quickly create a portfolio of work in a next couple of weeks and start getting clients while we help him through that process.

Would you like to start creating professional 3D work just like John?

If so, check out our free training and schedule a strategy call with us so we can see how we can help you reach your goals!

   John Collins