Kenza’s First Professional 3D Product Render
Published by Arthur Whitehead on Aug. 27th 2022
Kenza has made huge strides over the last few weeks and I’m excited to share the mental and visual changes in her work.

When she joined she struggled a lot with confidence in herself. Not only to produce professional work, but if she could actually learn it and do it one day full time.

So we set her an interesting challenge to see where her limitations were so we can break through them.

Here was her first project after joining the program.
She had already made improvements to her materials and lighting work from going through our training.

But it still looks like an average render of some bottles and It’s not something you can really use or show a client..

Here’s where it started breaking down:

   1. Workflow & Understanding
   2. Technicals

1. Mindset & Direction:

What most people do when they create a new project is they model things, place them around the scene, place in some lights, start rendering and keep changing things until it hopefully looks okay..

And often that process of just throwing things together results in a render that looks like someone just threw things together.

Few people think clearly about what exactly they’re going to make before they make it.
So I had to teach her how to think like a professional. This is professional work for a companies to use, not a random render of bottles.

Random renders are not very valuable..

And that will guide her whole process of the image from where the camera is placed, the lighting and colors that are used, and even how the materials are set up..

2. Technicals:

Once she understood the thought process It’s now about how to do it technically.

Her render settings were incorrect, her lights were lighting multiple products and reflecting in the background, and she had a plethora of other mistakes she had no idea she was making like products intersecting each other and casting wrong shadows.

But after ironing out all the kinks her work saw a drastic improvement!

Here’s her work after:
It’s a massive improvement over her initial work.

And it just goes to show that understanding of how to create professional work is just as important as where all the buttons are placed.. which is unfortunately what most of an average tutorial teaches you.

The great thing is she can add this as a first project to her portfolio which will boost her confidence and might get her the first client if she follows the correct process!
She can also take all she’s learnt from this render and avoid all the mistakes she’s been making for the past year and apply it to her next project.

Meaning faster & higher quality work workflow & result!

If you’d like me to help you level up your 3D and learn from our mastermind schedule a call with us below:

Kenza Kadmiry

3D Artist - LinkedIn Profile