How Sunny Learnt Professional 3D Product Animation in 11 Weeks
Published by Arthur Whitehead on Aug. 17th 2022
Meet Sunny — before joining us he was working in 2D animation.

Sunny wasn’t finding fulfilment in the work he was doing and his progression as an artist had slowed for a long time.

He wanted to level up his skills as an artist so he could progress and start getting higher paying clients, as well as do work that he finds more enjoyable and creatively challenging.

The problem is that he had a basic understanding of 3D, but his work was far from professional and he was struggling to get there on his own.

And how could he reach out to clients if he didn’t have any way to show, the work he had wasn’t even good enough and also lacked the confidence to tackle commercials on his own or know how to do them?

Eventually the pain grew too strong and after seeing students in our program progressing past him he decided to leap into it.

Below is his work upon joining our program:
Basic understanding of 3D, but not at a level to start reaching out to clients or get the high paying one’s.

So I walked him through the whole process of getting to that professional level and getting official clients using this new knowledge..
Below his is how after 11 weeks of joining our program..
His work has made a drastic change and overall is getting to a very professional level and a fast pace and is inspiring others in our community.
It’s at least good enough to start recommending him to companies like Logitech and start getting his foot in these doors while he keeps growing..
So, would you like to learn how to create professional 3D work and build an epic portfolio for clients?

If you would like that watch our free training.

Sunny Heera

3D Artist